I live in Santa Clara County California and early November I got stopped for apparently running a red light. Today the 5th of December I got the notice in the mail that I owe $410 due by Feb. 2nd of 2008 but I am very poor. My job just allows me to pay bills with about 50 dollars left over every month. I was wondering if it is possible to get a 6 month extension? Or any kind of waiting period? What can you tell me?
Can I get an extension to pay a traffic violation?the grand theater
Talk with the clerk of court or someone at the court, you might not be able to get an extension, but you might be able to get the court's permission to pay off a part each month.
Can I get an extension to pay a traffic violation?soap opera opera theater
In this case you may have to approach the court to ask for this extension...but do not ignore...or you will go to jail and pay as a day laborer in an orange jump suite
They can't put you in jail for being indigent and too poor to pay a fine. They usually work out an installment plan with you.
For that Proposition see TATE V. SHORT:
Wait, check if this ticket is a SNITCH TICKET (fake ticket) before you pay! If it doesn't have the courts address or the court's name on it or if it says "Do not report this to the court" or whatever, it is FAKE and you don't need to pay it.
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