Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I convert files with the extension *.jpg.spf0 to normal files?

I recently lost some files in my folder so I got a data recovery software to fix that but when the files were recovered,they have the extension "spf0" next to their original extension...for example "whatever.jpg.spf0" ..... =(

How do I convert files with the extension *.jpg.spf0 to normal files?performing arts center

Have you tried right clicking the file and renaming the file with everything except the added spf0?

How do I convert files with the extension *.jpg.spf0 to normal files?sunshine opera theater

By renaming the file it should work. It does not need to be converted, as the data inside the file is picture data, just the filename is different so the computer does not think it is a picture file.

If this helps- Help me continue to answer questions by selecting this as your best answer. Thank you!

I have listed the instructions below:

First you must set File and Folder options to show file extensions. Do this by -Open My Computer -Click Tools -Click Folder Options -Select View Tab - Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" -Click apply.

Now go to the file -Right Click and -Click Rename. Change name from **.jpg.spf0 to **.jpg. Press enter or click somewhere else to save name change. The computer should now recognize the file as a Jpeg file.

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